Both Dr. Tiffany and Dr. Toni are certified in Webster Technique through the ICPA. It is a chiropractic analysis and adjusting technique that helps balance a pregnant woman’s pelvis to reduce stress on the uterus and supporting ligaments. Maintaining a balanced pelvis allows optimal positioning for the developing baby.
Chiropractors do not “turn” breech babies. However, if baby is breech, it is important to keep the mother’s pelvis balanced so the baby can be in the best possible position for birth. Breech position is not a concern until the mother-to-be is 37 weeks along. Webster Technique has proven to be very effective as soon as the 8th month of pregnancy.
The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association recommends chiropractic care throughout pregnancy to maintain a balanced pelvis so the baby has a better chance of moving into the correct position and avoiding the worry associated with breech positioning. Optimal baby positioning at birth results in easier deliveries for the baby and mother.